[Reviews - 11] Printer

Carolyn Hill is a quiet, country church girl who just wants to fit in. One day, a stranger comes to town and teaches her something she will never forget.
Rated: T
Categories: Off The Wall: 1975-1981, Family, Romance Characters: Original Girl
General Warnings: Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature
Trigger Warnings: Racism
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 14082 Read: 13175
Published: Apr 08, 2019 Updated: Apr 15, 2019
Story Notes:
This story has some strong language and situations of the time period. Warnings will be placed where they are due.
The fanfic is set in the year 1960. For story purposes, Michael will be a late teen and he will be based off of the "Off The Wall" era.

1. Prologue & Chapter 1 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 6] (2945 words)
Warning: racial slur.

2. Chapter 2 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 1] (3556 words)

3. Chapter 3 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 1] (1734 words)
Warning: racial slur.

4. Chapter 4 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 0] (2745 words)

5. Chapter 5 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 1] (1839 words)

6. Chapter 6 & Epilogue by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 2] (1263 words)

Had a lot of fun writing this cheesy pointless story. Thanks for reading this far. Sorry the ending is sad.