Carolyn Hill is a quiet, country church girl who just wants to fit in. One day, a stranger comes to town and teaches her something she will never forget.
Rated: T
Categories: Off The Wall: 1975-1981, Family, Romance Characters: Original Girl
General Warnings: Some Scenes of a Sexual Nature
Trigger Warnings: Racism
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 14082 Read: 13175
Published: Apr 08, 2019 Updated: Apr 15, 2019
The fanfic is set in the year 1960. For story purposes, Michael will be a late teen and he will be based off of the "Off The Wall" era.
1. Prologue & Chapter 1 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 6] (2945 words)
Warning: racial slur.
2. Chapter 2 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 1] (3556 words)
3. Chapter 3 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 1] (1734 words)
Warning: racial slur.
4. Chapter 4 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 0] (2745 words)
5. Chapter 5 by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 1] (1839 words)
6. Chapter 6 & Epilogue by yourburgersarethebest [Reviews - 2] (1263 words)
Had a lot of fun writing this cheesy pointless story. Thanks for reading this far. Sorry the ending is sad.