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     "Phew, I gotta hand it to you bro, that was.... Kinda fun to say so the least." Jackie said. "Yeah, you really showed that overgrown reptile who's boss." Tiffany winked at Michael who scratched behind his neck and blushed a hint of pink. "Hey, it was nothing really. And the best part is, I have a little souvenir to take home with me." Mike said patting his pocket that the slingshot was in chuckling.

"Now where are we heading now?" Jermaine asked. "I don't know but where-ever it is, I hope there won't be anymore dinosaurs; I've had enough of them already." Tito said. Like before, the portal opened and they were speeding once again falling on the dirt covered path. "Ugh.... Now where are we this time?" Rachel said rubbing her behind and getting up followed by the others as they all gazed around; sounds of horses filled the air followed by people wearing togas of different colors walking doing their own business. "Wow, this place seems so familiar; all these people in those kind of clothes, and of course....." "Uh Rachel, why don't we take a walk and observe this more?" Tiffany suggested cutting her friend off before she could go any further; she nodded and they were on their way to experience the new time period that they were in; at least it was more calmer than the Prehistoric Era.

     The children walked through the outdoor market place looking at all the marvelous and priceless antiques; smells of olives, fresh fruits, and vegetables were heavily intoxicating that they inflamed their noses. "Wow, check out these delicious ripe bananas." April said holding up a bunch that gave her ideas. "Hey maybe I can bake a banana bread or even banana pancakes for breakfast one of these days how does that sound?" The others grinned imagining the hot and sweet hotcakes that they were going to endure one of these mornings.

Suddenly, Marlon's stomach began to growl; he covered it up in an instant and blushed. "Heh sorry about that, I guess after fantasizing about your food April, my belly started to interrupt." April giggled. "Well Marlon I would sure love to eat too but where can we stop though?" The group kept walking soon, a young girl with jet black hair was carrying a basket full of food when an orange dropped. "Oh no." She groaned out; seeing this April picked it up and gave it back to her who smiled. "Thank you so much." "Your welcome; would you like some help?" "S-Sure... thanks a bunch." Taking the basket from her, they walked back to the rest of the kids. 

"There you are April." Michael said running towards her and the girl. "Hi, I'm Michael Jackson and these are my brothers, Marlon, Jermaine, Tito, and Jackie; and our friends Rachel and Tiffany, we see that you had already met April." The female child shook hands with them. "It is very nice to meet you all; I'm Meg." "Is this basket your's?" She nodded. "Yes it is; I was here doing some shopping for my Mother who didn't have time to do it herself; and I have to get back before she realizes where am I so long." "Don't worry, we can come to your house with you that way you won't get in trouble." Meg's black eyes twinkled. "Thank you; you all are very kind.

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