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                                                   Chapter 6.

     "Now that everyone is here, let us begin a project that I know you all are going to love." Miss Applegate announced cheerfully as she opened up her suitcase getting something out that looked rather unusual; Lizzy and Dawn stared at each-other with puzzled looks wondering what that was.

"In case you all do not know what this is, it is called a family tree." A little black girl by the name of Connie raised her hand high up in the air. "Miss Applegate, what's a family tree?" The kind teacher smiled warmly and took her time explaining. "That is a good question Connie and I am glad you asked. A family tree is a diagram that shows the many relationships between different types of people in several generations of a family. Basically, it is really a chart that represents family relationships but in a tree form. Come up to the desk and I will show all of you." The children did what they were told as they stood completely mesmerized at what the project looked like up close.

"Wow, this is so cool. Who are these people?" Dawn asked pointing to a couple of elderly people who were both dressed in what appeared to be like old country clothing that dated back in the 1800's. "These are my Great-Grandparents. This is Sir Bernard Applegate and Lady Linda Applegate, they were Immigrants that had came here all the way from Russia to make a new life of their own." The entire school gazed in eternal awe. "They must have been really old at that time huh?" Lizzy asked hearing the woman chuckle shaking her head. "No they were quite young as a matter of fact, they were in their late teens when they had came to the U.S it was the beginning of the war." And she started explaining.

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