Date: Jan 03, 2024 11:51 am Title: Chapter 1
I read the first chapter in full and the initial premise greatly interested me, namely the circumstances of the Arvizo-Jackson trial.
I find your text well presented and well thought out. Michael's daughters are adorable. I appreciate this first chapter even if, however, the fact that Martin Bashir is singled out as the bad guy because he cheated in a game race, I found it a bit easy and not very well done. Just because he intentionally or unintentionally cheated in a race does not make him a bad journalist (it is because he asks indiscreet questions, takes a condescending amount of time and looking more to entertain than to inform).
Second point that I didn't necessarily understand is the fact that we constantly remind people that the girls are adoptive. This is not necessary in my opinion because there is no distinction between a biological and adopted child. This makes the story a little heavier for me ^^'
There is a lot of emphasis on the girls' anger and rage, I find it a little exaggerated at times. The documentary wasn't great but I find that the fanfic demonizes it a little too much by calling it a sickening atrocity. If we omit Bashir's stupidity, Michael is super interesting and cute in this documentary (even if the slightly goofy audience won't hear it that way)!
But apart from that, I have nothing negative to say about this promising chapter :) I appreciated the fact that it was more nuanced later, notably by showing that Bashir "approved" Michael's vitiligo without trying to argue about it. The relationship between Michael and his two daughters is touching.
This first chapter convinced me enough - despite my little remarks - for me to read the rest.
Date: Oct 19, 2022 02:56 pm Title: Chapter 1
Seems like an interesting story!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I started chapter 15 but I've been lazy lately..but I'll get back to it :)
Date: Jul 21, 2022 01:51 pm Title: Chapter 1
Hasta ahora me ha encantado tu historia es increĆble
Author's Response:
Date: Mar 29, 2015 02:24 pm Title: Chapter 1
loving it
Author's Response:
thank you!!
Date: Mar 27, 2015 09:55 am Title: Chapter 14
Awww, so glad that Mariann could come over and make Michael feel better. I hope they tell each other how they feel soon! I hope Becky will be okay, too. She's lucky she has Nikki and Kerri. They obviously care about her.
Author's Response:
Don't worry, they will..and I promise to make that moment memorable for you!! <3
and yes, Nikki and Kerri are the best friends one could ask for!
Thank you for your loyal following.
Date: Jan 29, 2015 07:57 pm Title: Chapter 13
Go, Michael!! That whole family got what was coming to them. I couldn't take much more of their nonsense.
Author's Response:
haha, right? not to worry.they shan't be making an appearances anytime soon..thank you for always reviewing. They totally make my day.
Date: Nov 13, 2014 04:39 pm Title: Chapter 12
Oooooh, those little brats!! They are really working my last nerve! Thank God Michael is going to deal with that whole family once and for all.
Author's Response:
I know right? they deserve to go to bootcamp or juvenile detention..yeah they will get theirs so sit tight..thank you for reviewing. :)
Date: Jul 23, 2014 02:03 pm Title: Chapter 11
These children are nothing but brats. Spoiled, selfish, little brats!!!! If I were one of the workers there, I would hav sent them down to sicureity guys and they can stay down there.
Oh, and where's supernanny? These kids need Joe Frost!!!
I hope these kids weren't as bad in real life as you've made them out to be in this story. Something tells me, that you tried to stay true to every character, be it true or not true.
Author's Response:
Oh they certainly were horrible, based on what I've read about staff members testifying about in the '05 trial. I always try to keep canon characters in character..Thank you for your review it cracked me up. :D
Date: Jul 22, 2014 09:02 am Title: Chapter 11
Damn those little snot-nosed, spoiled kids! I wanted to strangle them at one point. Grrrr!! Now Michael can't enjoy his vacation with his family! Crazy chapter, girl!
Author's Response:
Your comment made me chuckle..most agreed.. although calling them snot nosed and spoiled is too kind..they deserved to go to juvenile prison..would have to fight the urge to murder them if I were Nikki and Kerri..thank you so much for the review. <3 You totally made my day with it.
Date: Apr 23, 2014 07:28 pm Title: Chapter 1
Bashir's a trip! EVIL. I hate his ass so much!
But other than that, this chapter was awesome! On to the next one tomorrow :D
Author's Response:
yes he has no shame at all
Thank you for the nice comments..
Date: Sep 21, 2013 02:18 pm Title: Chapter 7
Great story, it feels like this is what would happen in rl if MJ was to release a statement and try to stop the documentary from happening. And the convo with Glenn Beck and Sata- I mean Diane Diamond, I feel like that would really happen. In conclusion, FUCK YOU BASHIR! BURN IN HELL FOR ETERINTY AND SUFFER THE WAY MICHAEL DID WHILE YOU WATCH EVERYTHING YOU KNOW AND LOVE PERISH AS YOU DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH. Have a nice day <3
Author's Response:
Thank you..and yes I believed they would have called Michael a child for real..and I understand what you're feeling about Bashir..I wonder how he could sleep at night after tricking Michael.
Date: Sep 12, 2013 02:03 am Title: Chapter 7
I seen where you'd told me to check your stuff out on my reviews.. I really like this story so far! Keep updating and I'll read it again whenever I get a chance. :)
Author's Response:
Thank you I am glad you like it..I added my This Is It related fic. I will add you on facebook. Christy Miller is me.
Date: Sep 08, 2013 11:19 pm Title: Chapter 7
It's coming along very well. All Michael needed was support and he sure got it not only from his family but Mariann
Author's Response:
Thank you for the comments..not to worry, I will continue..also very soon I will post a story I am sure you will consider a treat. :)
Date: Sep 08, 2013 11:15 pm Title: Chapter 6
The adopted daughters are soooo loving, even Mariann is caring when it comes to Michael
Author's Response:
You know it..he needed ppl like them in his life.
Date: Sep 08, 2013 11:07 pm Title: Chapter 5
poor Michael
Author's Response:
Indeed..seems he can't catch a break..but he'll be a fighter, you'll see.