Date: Jan 12, 2018 04:46 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
You are such a inspiration to me and you taught me to love music and how to dance and sing and to just to have fun.
When I lost my older sister to cancer in 2010, I was so very sad and I couldn't stop crying but when I listen to You Are Not Alone the message of the song was so clear to me.
Love your moonwalker,

Date: Jun 26, 2015 04:20 pm Title: I Love You - Chapter 6
Dear Michael,
I send my condolences to you on the death of your friend Ryan White. He was such a good friend to you. I hope with all my heart that he told you all about the persecution and suffering he had to experience in Kokomo, Indiana, just because he had gotten HIV from a blood transfusion for his hemophilia at the age of 12. I hope that he was talking to you when he said, “I don’t like to be, you know, pitied. But I figure, you know, since this is the way the hand was dealt, I got to live this way, and I’m gonna try to help anybody I can”, and that you felt the spirit of a warrior inside him — a warrior that has seen so many battles that bravery has become commonplace.
I am glad that you stayed in touch with his mother, Jeanne, and his younger sister, Andrea. Plus, I remember reading that you said “I was the last person Ryan listened to” when you turned on the radio of the 1989 Mustang you had gotten for Ryan and the song Man in the Mirror began playing. May God bless you, Michael. You were such a good friend to Ryan, and you showed that by creating the song Gone Too Soon in Ryan’s memory, too. :)
P.S.: I hope that you like the stories about you that your fans write rather than the tabloids. I know I would if I was in your place. :) After all, from my perspective — my experience — writing fan fiction, especially about a favorite celebrity, is a good way to use one’s imagination as well as be creative, too. :)
Date: Jul 19, 2013 07:45 am Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
Thanks for the inspiring words , it really does mean alot to me actually .. I just don't know my feelings anymore .. It's like I'm just there , nothing more nothing less .. I don't even feel pretty anymore .. I used to have alot of confidence , Now I don't even know the meaning of confidence .. I feel like a lost child in a good and bad way .. I never really had to depend on my parents even though I'm still young and in school so it's like I don't have any , Kinda like the Lost Boys :) . And in a bad way I just feel lonely , I long for someone to just talk to me for hours without getting bored .. See MJFiction is my only escape from the world besides music .. I get verbally bullied and the only way from comepletly losing my mind is music and MJFiction .. But it feels nice to get complimented by you and my parents .. Love you always babyboy ! <3
Your Moonwalker,
Author's Response: Dear Rosie, I understand its hard sometime and believe me, I know what its like to be bullied. Just know that I am always here for you okay? God bless you and stay strong. I love you. -MJ From the Author: Hey gurrrll.... I just want you to know that you can talk to me. That's exactly how I used to feel. I'm here to talk for hours on end! Kik me if you have a kik. @tiffbae1997 (: I love you gorgeous.
Date: Jul 18, 2013 08:03 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
My Writting Is Weird Iknoee Aha cx But Thank You(; Well Our Conversation Is Going Dead xc So... Let's Make It Fun!(: Lets Play 3 Questions U Ask Me Three Questions Then I Ask U Three Different Questions... Wanna Play? U Start Thoee ^.^

Date: Jul 18, 2013 06:34 pm Title: Dear Michael,
hey michael im angel and i want to say tht i love u and ur amazing like AMAZING im a pretty bold person so don't get freaked out :( i really wanted to fuck u when u did in the closet :O plz dont be werided out i love u and i wish u and paris and the rest of ur kids the best love angel :D
Author's Response:
Dear Angel,
I have never blushed so much in my life, I was very shocked by your letter but I suppose I'd rather you be up front about it than jump my bones when ever you see me in person. Thank, my children mean the world to me. Just as much as the music, the fans, and the family means to me. I love you very dearly and thank you for supporting me through thick and thin. God bless you.
Michael Jackson
Date: Jul 15, 2013 07:51 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael ,
Wassup Mr. Jackson ? Cool ? No ? Okay . Lol anyways , It's great that you all are doing good and I pray you guys will continue to be blessed .. I've been kinda down lately , I just don't know why I'm on this earth anymore .. I wanna pursue a carrer in singing and all but I ust don't know anymore .. It seems like the more I try to do good the worse itt is for mme , Sometimes I wish I didn't even exist .. The only thing that keeps me going are my parents , your music and the music of a group called Mindless Behavior . I just don't feel loved , wanted , or needed .. Oh well .. Ttyl . Love you always baby boy ..
Your Moonwalker,
Author's Response:
Dear Rosie,
You are very much loved, and don't you forget it! I love you with every fiber of my being, and though you may feel I am a stranger in some exotic ways, I truly care and love you. God has created you and I for HIS purpose, and sometime it's hard to see what that purpose is. But, if you open your mind, heart, and soul to him, he will take you far and help you glide against the wind in the skies. It is such a wonderful feeling that shivers my soul with delight when I serve God. If it wasn't for him, I would have never been able to entertain you and all of my other beautiful fans. I am so blessed and I am very thankful for that. If singing comes from your soul, then I support you all the way. However, always remember who you are and where you started. Stay grounded. I love you.
God Bless,
Michael Joseph Jackson
Date: Jul 02, 2013 12:54 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Hi , It's Rosie again .. It's been a while .. How are you and your family ?? Also my firend has been to a counseling class because of her balemia .. Thanks soo much for your beautiful words of wisdom .. What do you wanna talk about ? Love you sooo much Mike !
Your Moonwalker ,
Author's Response:
Good evening, princess. I've been doing quite well actually, Paris is back home safe and sound which gives me a peace of mind. I'm glad your friend is getting help. No one deserves to suffer like that. Feel free to text me if you'd like. I love you more baby girl.

Date: Jun 28, 2013 02:18 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Can I come over today?
(gives roses to you)
My heartbroken past caused emotional stress on my body and it caused me to feel sick
It was so scary for me :(
(tries not to cry)I love you with all of my heart
Please write back to me
Author's Response: Sure! Of course! Can you talk to me on "Can I Have Your Number?" (:

Date: Jun 28, 2013 01:11 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Oh my gosh....
Its so hot where I live
I wish I could come over to Neverland and come in the pool with you
I have autism,I talk much better in writing
(kisses your cheek politely)
(I hold your hand)You are so innocent and sweet
I was bedridden and I forced myself not to eat after he left me
Please right back to me
Author's Response: *smiles proudly and pulls you into a hug* you are free to come over to Neverland any time you please.

Date: Jun 27, 2013 01:29 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Oh Michael
Im so sorry I did not write back to you
God Bless you Michael
You helped me feel better so much
I put my phone in hiding for a while
My phone caused too much pain for me because of a breakup
His family said I used him :(
He said that he was "busy and had a life" when he left me
He said I disturbed him when I talked to him to much
Will I not be a burden if I write to you alot?
You are a beautiful person and your movie cameos are beautiful too
Please write back to me
Author's Response:
Dear Moira,
He didn't deserve you then, you deserve a man who will always be there for you. Who will hold you every day and every night. Kiss you and tell you how beautiful you are. Treat you like the princess you are. You deserve the best my dear. Write me as much as you want. I'll answer everytime. I love you with all of my heart. I hope you feel better soon.
For You,

Date: Jun 19, 2013 02:54 pm Title: Dear Michael,
(politely)Its very nice to meet you Michael.My name is Moira
Im in my late 20s and I have autism
Im a big fan
You are so sweet and kind
You are a beautiful angel
Do you have a cellphone?
I left you my text number in "can I have your number?"
Can I have your text number?
I feel deeply in love with you
I love you very much and I have feelings for you
Im crying because Im so nervous
My ex boyfriend cheated on me and abused me(crying painfully)
(crying)Im so sorry.Im so nervous
(crying painfully)
Would you write back to me please?
Im so sorry(crying)
Author's Response:
Dear Moira,
Hello sweetheart, how are you feeling today? I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I've just been so busy lately. I have another rehearsal tomorrow, I'm so pumped it's amazing. I can't wait to get on that stage. It seems as though you have gone through a very painful expierence and I just want you to know that you are not alone. At all. Not only am I here for you but Jesus is as well. When you're feeling down just pray, or shoot me a letter. Yes, my dear, I do have a cell phone. Thank you for all the sweet compliments, it makes my day. I wake up every day with a smile upon my face because of my beautifully, wonderful, fans. Everything you go through makes you a stronger person inside and out. I'm sending me love your way. I love you too. Stay strong okay? Not just for me, but for Jesus. Take care. God Bless You.
Michael Joseph Jackson
Date: Jun 15, 2013 02:02 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
Hello Michael, how are you? For me I'm doing great I guess. Haha my cousin is over here and were having a blast. We're listening to music, playing video games and talking about you. Yesterday we had watched this movie. I had feel asleep in the middle to end part. It was a really good movie. I was really tried. I was I tired because we had went bike riding for a few hours. We got on this bike trail and it was 12 miles long. Then we had to go back. So it was 12 miles back. That's about 24 miles. And my butt hurts like crazy. It hurts when I sit down, well if it's not hard then it's fine. And I'm also on Summer vacation. I'm soo happy but I can see that it's going to be a longgggg summer.
Shanti <3
Author's Response:
Dear Shanti,
I'm so glad you had a great time! It sounds like a blast! I wish I could join you but it's all work, work, work, for me. I love being updated about what my fans have been up too! Remember you can ask me anything you'd like, whether it be a long question, or anything really. I just LOVE getting letters. I know tomorrow will be a difficult day but, it'll all be fine in the end. Well, I love you. Make sure to spread the message of love. God Bless You.
Michael Joseph Jackson
Date: Jun 09, 2013 01:14 am Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael ,
Ello it's Rosie again , I just wanted to ask you about any advice to my friend , She's bulemic and she's been trying to stop but she just can't get it out of her mind that she's "fat" . I try to stop but she won't , Sometimes she does it to the point where she has to go to the emergency room .. I don't want a pity party I hate that .. Well we both hate that lol , She just needs advice from another kind-hearted soul :) Love you Mike ! <3
P.S : After this letter I won't bother you anymore , I promise !
Your Moonwalker ,
~Rosie :)
Author's Response:
Dear Rosie,
First of all I don't want you to leave me alone, I love letters and I miss talking to my fans all of the time. As for the friend issue, I have dealt with anorexia for practically my whole life and it is nothing I would wish upon someone. First of all, tell her she only has an audience of one, God, and everything she does to herself she's doing to Jesus as well. Tell her, "To see the beauty in others is good, to see the beauty in yourself is bliss." I know exactly what she's going through, she must feel so lonely and lost, unwanted, and unloved. Make sure she knows how loved she is. Go walking with her, do something nice for her, hug her. Make sure she knows how beautiful and special she is. That's what I always wanted. I've gotten over my anorexia but I still struggle with it when I'm depressed, stressed, or upset. Let her know she is not alone. Regardless of what she's going through. I hope my advice helped you, God Bless You and I love you.
Your Fan/Friend,
Michael Joseph Jackson
Date: Jun 04, 2013 10:42 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
My Writting Is Weird Iknoee Aha cx But Thank You(; Well Our Conversation Is Going Dead xc So... Let's Make It Fun!(: Lets Play 3 Questions U Ask Me Three Questions Then I Ask U Three Different Questions... Wanna Play? U Start Thoee ^.^
Date: Jun 03, 2013 11:59 pm Title: Dear Michael,
Dear Michael,
You were made in God's image and that makes you pretty special! Actually, that makes all of us special! ^_^ We should never forget that! Could you also please tell Blanket that he is soo sweet!! He sounds like a very intelligent and loving boy! I would've loved to be able to meet him some day! His comment about you marrying me, made me smile! :)) Joining your family would be sooo cool aha! But i really am glad you both enjoy my letters! I try to make them as heartfelt and meaningful as i possibly can! All these lines on this piece of paper, why waste it? Writing these letters has been amazing and i feel even closer to the both of you! I love you both and I hope you have an extra EXTRA sparkley day!! x :D
Author's Response:
Dear Nessa,
Thank you! I try to be the best father I can possibly be. I love my children so much, they truly are a blessing. Blanket wanted to send you a picture of him so I'm attaching it to the letter, he hope you like it (though I'm almost certain you will). I apologize for not getting back to you sooner but I'm sure you heard the news about my daughter, Paris. She's doing a lot better but I feel like an absolute terrible father at the moment. Well, much love and God Bless. Write back soon.