Date: Feb 15, 2015 12:51 am Title: Chapter 21: Estranged but Never Forgotten
Can I ask a follow up question? Could it be someone who he came into contact with before like someone he has known for years?
Author's Response:
Yes, that is possible.
Good luck! :)
Date: Feb 14, 2015 08:30 pm Title: WHO'S UP FOR A CONTEST?
My guesses are
Frank Cascio (because I enjoy saying his last name hahaha)
Tatum O'Neal
Diana Ross
Paul McCartney
Author's Response:
HMMMMM...interesting guesses...thanks for playing! :)
Date: Feb 14, 2015 08:07 pm Title: WHO'S UP FOR A CONTEST?
oh gee this is tough.this probably wrong but only one I could think of is Diana Ross
Author's Response:
You'll have to wait and find out! Thanks for playing! :)
Date: Feb 14, 2015 06:36 pm Title: Chapter 21: Estranged but Never Forgotten
Awwwee so cute😆😆😆
Okayyy I'm not finna guess cuz I probably be wrong so I'll wait lolll 😂😂
Idk y Diana jealous of Madonna, Madonna ain't all dat lolllll jkjk she ight lol
Anyway dat mysterious person is wooooo idk who it is and imma be out of it imma wait lolll with the popcorn
Author's Response:
I'm having a contest so you can guess the mystery person in the next section!
I agree, she really isn't all that but when you're with someone as good looking as Michael Jackson, it's easy to feel insecure.
Good luck guessing who they are!
Thanks for reading and reviewing! :D
Date: Feb 14, 2015 06:24 pm Title: Chapter 21: Estranged but Never Forgotten
LOL at Mac making Michael older than he is and Mike's reaction was priceless but couldn't believe it either I was like "is he seriously saying Michael was born the same year as Rick James"?? *laughs some more.*
boy is Diana the jealous type or what??
am anxious to see how the fic will end..
Author's Response:
LOL I know, right? Hilarious!
Yes, she can be a bit jealous at times but when you have the world's most beautiful man by your side it's easy to feel that way.
I hope you like the ending!
Thanks for reading and reviewing! :D
Date: Feb 12, 2015 05:37 pm Title: Chapter 1: Business Consolidation
i usually will review and rate when i read any story and you are very welcome
Author's Response:
You have no idea how much I appreciate you. Thank you! :)
Date: Feb 12, 2015 11:29 am Title: Chapter 20: Who Is It?
i wanna believe its marie that left the note great chapter im looking forward to more of this great story keep the great writing coming
Author's Response:
Thank you SO much for taking the time to read and review my work. You are the first person in a long time to actually review AND rate my chapter. God bless you! I hope you enjoy the way it ends. :)
Date: Feb 11, 2015 12:24 pm Title: Chapter 20: Who Is It?
Awwwwwwwwww and OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH who is it ??? That's my song "is it my brother, who is it"
Prince is so cuteeeeeee😍😍😍
Who is it ????
Is it Madonna or lisa or somebody else????
This touch me again Awww I'm rly cheesing 😄😄😄 😁😁
Can't wait with my popcorn
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading! Nope, you're wrong about the mystery person. I LOVE THAT SONG TOO! Yes, Prince is adorable.
Date: Feb 11, 2015 06:25 am Title: Chapter 20: Who Is It?
could it be Marie? or Dita?
Author's Response:
Wrong and wrong! ;)
Date: Feb 11, 2015 04:29 am Title: Chapter 20: Who Is It?
Lol jasmine is ao funny
Oh dear i hope that's not Lisa
Maybe it's from Marie?
Can't wait to see what happens next
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading! :) You'll find out soon.
Date: Feb 08, 2015 06:04 am Title: Chapter 19: Reliving the Past with Another Secret
I'm glad they are back together
The food fight was hilarious loved it
Hope she soon finds a moment to twll him about their sons conditions
Can't wait to see what happens next
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.
Date: Feb 08, 2015 04:16 am Title: Chapter 19: Reliving the Past with Another Secret
this was an adorable read..the foodfight was funny and Pribce is soo cute! Finally things are back to normal between Mike and Ana!
Author's Response:
Yes, the calm after the storm has slowly started to arrive...but there may be one or two more....
Thanks for reading and reviewing. :)
Date: Feb 07, 2015 08:40 pm Title: Chapter 19: Reliving the Past with Another Secret
Srry😩 for dat rly wasn't trying to type all dat
It was rly cuteeeeeee lil michael was dancing like michael was a touching moment I hope he don't get em pills don't want nothing to happen to him and Diana needs to tell michael bout his conditions and so happy they together srry😩 if its cheesy I just didn't like my other comment it was just umm kinda awkward
Author's Response:
No problem. I'm glad you took the time to read and review. :)
Date: Feb 02, 2015 05:08 am Title: Chapter 18: Dreams, Departures & Delights
The bonding between Michael and Prince was just what I anticipated..Michael would have never been the type to blame an innocent child for the mother's mistake in a situation like this..something we people sometimes forget..
lol at how Michael was when Prince imitated the crotch grab he should have mentioned beforehand to younger fans that some of his moves are for adults alone so they know copying it while as a minor is out of the question..
and oooo Joseph..he's on my last nerve..someone needs to tell him don't burn bridges..for the record I read where Michael really thought karma was rubbish..
I get that Marie feels she needs to clear her head but how hateful she was being was immature..there's a proper way to behave in the face of betrayal..if Diana had acted the same way if in the situation she would not be able to handle it, either..
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Yes, their bond was super cute. I wanted to keep it simple and not dramatic since there's always been a roller coaster of emotions going on.
A lot of readers enjoyed the dance scene. I thought it was cute to add that in. Glad it worked for the best!:)
Joseph will always be himself. I had no idea Michael felt that way, OOPS. Oh well, I guess it adds a little but of flair on my side. ;)
Yes, Marie was being hateful for sure. Jasmine put her in her place and she really does need time for herself. Who knows? She might be back.
Stay tuned for more! :D
Date: Feb 02, 2015 03:34 am Title: Chapter 18: Dreams, Departures & Delights
So cute father and son bonding
Aww feel really for Marie but I understand her desicion
Lol on the dancing part its hilarious
Hopefully Michael and Diane will soon make up and she tells him about their sons medical condition
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing! Please stay tuned to find out more! :)