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Alica's POV

So ever since that day we started trying. I could tell Michael was a little grouchy and annoyed today. Maybe he's over worked. I knew that it wasn't going to be that easy but we were going to work at it.


"Today I want you two to take a simple test." Mrs. Harrison said. I nodded and looked over at Michael. He appeared to be nodding off.

"Michael pay attention!" I said jabbing him with my elbow. He looked up at me and gave me this cold glare. Like I said, where going to have to work on it.

"Have you ever heard of the game of trust?" Mrs. Harrison asked. "Isn't that when one person falls back and you have to catch them." Michael asked "Yes." She simply replied

"Let's do it then." I said standing up. "Okay Alica, just close your eyes and put your trust in Michael's arms." I closed my eyes and relaxed. I was more than positive Michael would catch me.

I'm going back. Hey, is that a pager I hear?

A few minuets later I'm flat on the floor. Michael is busy playing with his pager. What the hell?!?!

"It's 5 minuets till filming time." He says refering to the filming of his music video "The way you make me feel." "It's one second to what the hell is wrong with you?!? time! I reply. "What the hell is wrong with you?!?!"

"You were supposed to catch me!!!" I say sitting up. "I'm sorry but this is an important call." Michael says. "I've got to be on set in 4 minuets." "Do you mind if I take the car? "I'm sure you don't want to come."

In a way Michael was right.

I really didn't into his work. I actually kind of hated it because he was so caught up in it.

I really don't know what he actually does. I mean, I had no idea the plot of the music video and better yet who the video girl was. That was something I was dying to know.

"Why not." I said even though I didn't want to. "Great I'll have a limo pick you up." "Later Mrs. Harrison." He says as he puts on his shades. He just left me there on the floor. JERK!!

If I couldn't trust Michael to catch me when I fall then how am I supposed to trust him with big things?!?!
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